The Geographic Scope for RCE Greater Dhaka

Bangladesh is a tropical monsoon country in South Asian Region. It is a funnel shaped deltaic floodplain of the Ganges, Brahmanputra, Meghna, Karnofuli, Shangu and Matamuhuri rivers meets to the Bay of Bengal. The northern and eastern Boundaries are the hills of eastern Himalayas and Arakan and Lusai ranges respectively. Huge monsoon rainfall brings



Activities at the university level are the Green Campus With sustainable activities on energy saving, and the University and the Community Program in which faculty Members disseminate research findings to benefit the community or in which students’ clubs and societies work on various sustainable development-related activities with the outside community. Many awareness and capacity building programs like, training, workshops and seminars have been conducted on ESD

Planned activities include

Education for Sustainability for the Age Group 12-20 of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Institutes of Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi, Rongpur and Sylhet Divisions

Education for Sustainability for the Women and House-halves of Dhaka, Chittagong, Khulna, Barisal, Rajshahi, Rongpur and Sylhet Divisions Education for Sustainability for the Key Policy Makers, Administrative Bodies and NGOs


Traditional Cultural ethnic wisdom towards Sustainability; Community Managed Solid Waste Management System; Sustainable Landscape Management; Rural Traditional Practices of Short Cycle Bio-mass Recycling.


An International Geosphere‐Biosphere Programme Synthesis Theme on Global Environment Change and Sustainable Development: Needs of Least Developed Countries.


Decision-making structure

 The above listed objectives will be achieved through a comprehensive approach based on  collaboration among stakeholders and other RCEs facing similar challenges and focusing on transformative learning and behavioral change. Learning-based change for sustainability is development of awareness, knowledge and meaning construction, values, skills, attitudes, critical reflection and empowerment to changed behavior, thinking, living and acting. A critical outcome
of ESD in that way is the ongoing capacity of citizens, local government, organizations, community groups, the business sector, and education institutions to effectively respond to regional sustainability challenges.

The RCE Greater Dhaka adopts a functional and effective governing and decision-making structure comprised of a Board of Governors, a Steering Committee and a Strategic Planning Group. The Board of Governors will include a President, two Vice Presidents, Executive Director or Coordinator, a Treasurer and five members. The members of the Board of Governors will be nominated and elected by the members of the Steering Committee. The three members will be as the leading Institution, two members coming from the Centres of Environmental Education, one member from the Regional In-service Teacher Training Centre, one member from the Technological Educational Institution and three members from the local government, educational administration and business stakeholders. The Steering Committee will have a representative from each core member organization (University of Bangladesh, the Sports and Tourism Research Unit of the Technological Educational Institution of Bangladesh, the Regional In-service Teacher Training Center of Bangladesh, the Regional Educational Authority, and the UNESCO).

The Strategic Planning Group will be formed by the leaders of ESD projects under implementation. All the members of the three governing and management bodies will work voluntarily, unless they are engaged in project works. A supportive secretariat will be employed to facilitate administrative work and communication. Upon official establishment of the RCE, the secretariat of RCE Greater Dhaka will be in CGEC of IUBAT.


RCE Greater Dhaka, a Charter will be issued through consultation of all founding members, according to the State Laws and Regulations, and submitted to the Juristically Authorities for approval and registration. All members of the three governing bodies will gather and hold discussions each month during the initial stage and subsequently at least four times a year in order to draft policies, plans, projects and budgets, as well as monitor and evaluate the progress of the RCE Greater Dhaka activities.

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